July 16, 2012

Menu Planning Week # &*)()*&%^

Hey, there! Remember me? LOL I know it's been a REALLY long time since I've done a menu plan, and trust me if it hasn't proved that the system actually works! I seriously spend more time these days thinking about what's for dinner than i should, so soon I'll be right back on the planning bandwagon!

In the mean time, I've been using a couple NEW recipes I've been discovering on Pinterest with great success!

Skinny Spaghetti: This is a "skinny spaghetti" recipe I cam across, and I have to say it fared pretty well. both of the boys liked it, as did Hubs. I paired it with some steamed broccoli for a meat-free meal, but both the Hubs and Logan were hungry again after less than an hour after dinner. Maybe next time I'll pair it with some fish or baked chicken?

Source: food.com via Stephanie on Pinterest

Egg-Free Peanut Butter Cookies: I made these yummy peanut butter cookies about two weeks ago because I ran out of eggs and I was SERIOUSLY needing a cookie-kick. These were FANTASTIC and i will definitely be making these again; it may even replace my old stand-by recipe!
The following pins are things I really want to try:

Ginger and Cilantro Baked Tilapia: We really don't eat enough fish in our house, short of breaded fish fillets, fish sticks, and tuna sandwiches. I'm hoping that by adding at least one fish-dish a week to the rotation, we can start gaining healthier benefits from it over the fried, breaded stuff. This recipe seems to be a way to do that; I love the flavor combination used here with the ginger and cilantro!

Crockpot. Pizza. Pasta. Just sounds like heaven in a bowl, doesn't it? I love the idea of getting all of those pizza flavors without the pizza prices and pizza heat. Who really wants to spend over $20.00 for a decent pizza or crank the heat in the summer by making your own? Can't wait to try this one out!

Massa Sovada (Portuguese Sweet Bread): I hate to say it, but this is one type of bread that I have NEVER tasted, and according to my husband's family, is absolutely necessary. For the last 12+ years, Hubs, his brothers and his sister have spoken non-stop about the delicious sweetbread their  mother would make and have them deliver around the neighborhood. I'm hoping I can do it some justice by trying to make it myself. PRAY FOR ME!

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